- Excellence award from TripAdvisor – 2013
- Marriott Silver Award 2011
- Marriott Gold Award 2010
- Marriott Platinum Award 2009
- Marriott Diamond Circle Award 2009
- Marriott Magic Hotel of the year 2009
- Elite Appreciation Award by Marriott Front Desk Friendliness by Marriott 2008
- Marriott Silver Award 2008
- Most Improved Revpar Index for Marriott Canada Region 2008
- Marriott Diamond Award 2007
- Marriott Gold Award 2006
- Gold Award by Choice Hotels Canada 2014
- Top 50 hotel in Group Booking Worldwide by Hotel Planner 2015
- Top 10 hotels in Group Booking Canada by Hotel Planner 2015
- Ranked 14 out of 233 Choice Comparable Brand 2015
- Excellence award 3 years in a row TripAdvisor.
Best Western Brantford
- The hotel in the past 28 years have won several awards.
- The Brantford Chamber of Commerce Business Excellent Award.
- Brantford Chamber of Commerce Corporate Challenge award.
- Best Western Brantford holds 12 shining star Tourism awards and 8 individual staff awards.
- Best Western Brantford has won the St Leonard’s soup challenge award for 5 years.
- Best Western Brantford has won the Certificate of Excellence 2015 through trip advisor.
- Kirby’s Bar and Buffet has won 8 awards this year for people’s choice.
Hampton Inn & Suites, Barrie
Barrie Tourism Champion 2016 – Melanie Black
Tourism Barrie Greening & sustainability Award – 2013
Excellence award from TripAdvisor – 2016
Excellence award from TripAdvisor – 2015
Excellence award from TripAdvisor – 2014
Quality Inn Sarnia
2011 choice platinum award
2011 Canadian Hotel of the Year – Finalist